Harvard Studies in Classical Philology


Ziolkowski, Jan M, ed. “Harvard Studies in Classical Philology,” 2022, 112.
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology



Olga Levaniouk "The Dreams of Barčin and Penelope"
Paul K. Hosle "Bacchylides’ Theseus and Vergil’s Aristaeus"
Vayos Liapis "Arion and the Dolphin: Apollo Delphinios and Maritime
Networks in Herodotus"
Nino Luraghi "The Peloponnesian Peace: Herodotus, Thucydides, and the Ideology of the Peace of Nikias"
Andrea Capra "The Staging and Meaning of Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen"
Konstantine Panegyres "Moses, Pharaoh, and the Waters of the Nile:
Artapanus of Alexandria FGrHist 726 F 3"
Roy D. Kotansky "Underworld and Celestial Eschatologies in the “Orphic”
Gold Leaves"
Vittorio Remo Danovi "New Citations from the Libri Etruscorum and Varro
in Vergilian Scholia"
T.H.M. Gellar-Goad "Tears and Personified Nature in Juvenal 15.131–140 and Lucretius 3.931–962"
Tristan Power "Textual Conjectures on Catullus 55.9-12"
Francesco Rotiroti "From Beneficent God to Maddened Bull: The Shepherd of Men in the Works of Virgil"
J.S.C. Eidinow "The Critic and the Farmer: Horace, Maecenas, and Virgil in
Horace Carm. 1.1"
Shirley Werner "The Rules of the Game: Imitation and Mimesis in
Horace Epistles 1.19"
Francis Newton "Ovid Met. 1: Jupiter’s Plebeians, the Titles of Augustus,
and the Poet’s Exile"

Simona Martorana

"Omission and Allusion: When Statius’ Hypsipyle Reads
Ovid’s Heroides 6"
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer "The Chronokratores in Greek Astrology, in Light of a
New Papyrus Text: Oxford, Bodl. MS Gr. Class. B 24 (P) 1–2"
Konstantine Panegyres "ΒΟΜΒΟΣ: Heliodorus Aethiopica 9.17.1"
Andrew C. Johnston "Aemilius and the Crown: Rome and the Hellenistic World of the Alexander Romance"

Publisher's Version

Last updated on 06/08/2023